OK i found way to enter cabal without x-trap so now i can't login i think it's cabalmain problem with IP adress so you know how to change IP adress of cabalmain.exe ?
If any one can help then write here
EDIT.... oh now i think it's login bug ... SO how can i login if there is login bug ?
1-change IP IN cabalmain = not able to connect to server ( coz u changed it ) 2-we all can't login coz of x-trap error = don't ask for server restart to fix login bug ( thats good way to teach hackerz a lesson ) 3-make sure the adminz are working on the login bug + webshop update + game update + try to find a better and secure game system = they are normal people that have life so be patient 4-if you try to hack = watch out for (GA)Saphir he is there to catch you