some players just copy paste a text froom g00gle and they make a topic for ,, helping people" or for helping them with the number of posts? like sasukemihai... he is a good kid but he makes to many stupid topics with no reason vids and vids and guides copy pasted from our friend g00gle ... a good guide is made from a player/players that really know something about that character... advantages or defects not a robot made guide ... so pls stop with this nonsens . srry for my bad english
Hey...i think you don`t was on forum when was old cabal atlantis... At guides Metallo does what i does too..."copy and paste from google"and putted and guides...
hey kiddo when i was giving you mithril 4 slotted you were playing on the old cabal srv for 2 hours so don't tell me that you are an old timer cause i am more in to atlantis then you are:) to show you that i played on old cabal atlantis and posted on the forum before you know about atlantis ... in the first week on forum you got warn sry for my bad eng