How about to bring back (the staff) a bit of old cabal atlantis...then was a lot of fun now ... only farm farm farm and few ppl ... every morning i and 2-4 other players are online ... there isn't so much fun like before.... btw i know that my english is bad so don't kill me
Old AtlantisCabal-Fun Server won't come back , because the Admins need to pay the root where the server is hosted. The money for this comes from Player's donations. If the Admins start again the Old Server no one would donate and so they won't have that good root they have now.
So what do you like more?
Playing with GM Edited Char on a really laggy server or Playing a normal Char on a good dedicated server? <- This is the option we have now, and we think its the best.
Yea b ether normal adicted Server .I ye but if Admin or G:M wanna that people use donation i thing we need Episode 3 or something like that! Then a lot of people join and doneit for server!< me opinionª! my inglisch suuuuuuuuuuux i knwo <
You just can se Elite Cabal episode 3 like 4k player online and Use Donation ext... I say just put episode 3 or try to make it and Server rox with members!<
noooo not ep3 this files are illegally ( right o.O?) when you msut have go to a dedi server in iraq or whatever not in germany or england or USA or in Europe We have only ep3 files while Elitecabal hacking CAbal EU and Cabal PH .....