We would like to announced that we start an event today at 9pm (gmt+1) in Port Lux on the Trade Channel.
Event Rules:
Its an endurance Test and has the name:
Still standing event
like the name say you just need stand still and you are not allowed to talk except we are asking you something (whisper is allowed because we cant controll that )
Everyone will be placed in Port Lux with a little bit space to the next guy. And there you have to stand still.
And dont think about to move away from your keyboard because we ask you some questions after a while and if you dont answer you'll be disconnected from the server. Your are dissmised now !
You have 5sec time to answer (its not important if this reply makes sense or not).
Its also possible that we change the location.
And if you get an disconnect by yourself you are dismissed from the event ( we are sorry if this happens).
If the server will disconnect because of any unkown error, the event will be stoped. After your reconnect we will go on with the event with all players who dont get dissmissed before.
You'll get an amazing Price so we hope for your presence.
I liked the event ... good players , i really respect Riddick he was a great event man but i thinck the prize is ....weak ) i should take the aop+7 but this doesn't really matter we had fun next time better prize