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Well mine are WA and FAs.. Well any class would pawn given an IMBA set LOL! There was one FA in my former server who scored 1000+ in just one TG> he camp on the respawning tower of caps and kill those who respawn there..
He actaully wanted the names of what we thought was the best of each class. not what class is best.
And if this server had episode 2 crit and amp working stats ( wich it dont and dont tell me it does cuz the skin says so, cause the dmg given by my chars are proff enough to not be the real dmg it should be)
Then it would still be BL and WA, WA highest atk,HP and 2nd highest def, and bm2 rapes anything if you know how to retarget. BL also got a massive DPS, good HP and attack, abit faster skills then WA but also abit weaker. But BL bm2 with retargeting is good also. Still tho WA is the most OP class then BL.
Sure FS and FB owns. if youre a noob who cant do EU pvp ( wich you all should since this is a EU based server) that means no ep2 buffs or debuffs in a regular fight. )
And it cant get any easier then that. And naa dont tell me im a noob cuz i prolly played since most of you knew what cabal was. And i know for sure, yeh in a ep1 stat based server. FA is quite rapeage since they wer the owners of episode1. but after ep2 and all that WA first 2nd BL then go the list down. FA comes last.