* Vitality Mastery * Offensive Sense * Defensive Sense (you may replace Defensive Sense with Reflex to get more Def Rate for PvE) * Impact Control * Damage Absorb * Sixth Sense
PVP: Force Assault>Force Slash>Assassinate>Force Assault>Force Slash>Dance of Ruin/Crystal>Infernal Impact (as finisher)
or Force Assault>Force Slash>Assassinate>Infernal Impact>Dance of Ruin/Crystal>Assassinate
DO NOT use long cast time skills like Force Impact or Infernal Stigma because they greatly reduce you DPS!
PVE: Stigma(to stun)>Assassinate>Infernal Impact>Dance>Assassinate>Stigma (for this combo assassinate and infernal impact must be lvl9)
List of types(Series) on old Buffs:
* Regeneration - Strengthen Body, Evoluated skill * Enchant – Strengthen Weapons * Fire Blade – Strengthen Weapons * Earth Guard – Strengthen General Attack * Ice Blade – Strengthen Weapons * Wind Movement – Strengthen Equipments * Lightning Blade – Strengthen Weapons * Aqua Vitality - Strengthen Body
List of new debuff skills(special effects only)
* Execration - Unmovable stats at lvl 20 (Duration 20sec) * Hard Luck - Resist Critical Rate -10%, Resist Critical Damage -10% stats at lvl 20 Resist Critical Rate -10%, Resist Critical Damage -20%(Duration 20sec) * Darkness – Attack Distance -2 stats at lvl 20 (Duration 30sec) * Field of Enervation – Level Down - 4 stats at lvl 20 Level Down -12 (Duration 30sec) * Mana Freeze – MP -1020 stats at lvl 20 MP -1400 (Duration 10sec) * Field of Execration - Unmovable stats at lvl 20 (Duration 20sec)
List of new skills - full stats (based on lvl 1skill):
* Force Kick o Condition: "Expert(4)” Rank or higher o Attack Amp.: x1.20 o Add. Attack: +106.50 (1.50 increase per level) o Stun:+75% (lasts for 2 sec) o Range 1-12 o Limit:1 o MP: 21 o Cool Time: 72.0sec o Casting Time: 1.0sec * Assassinate o Condition: "Completer(0)” Rank or higher o Attack Amp.: x1.70 o Add. Attack: +856.00 (6.00 increase per level) o Down: +75% o Range 1-5 o Limit:3(Piercing Effect) o MP: 30 o Cool Time: 8.4sec o Casting Time: 3.0sec * Field of Enervation o Effect: Wide Range Level Down, Max target number of Skill Effect- 9 o Condition: “Transcender(16)” Rank or higher o Whole Ability DOWN: -4(0.40 increase per level) o Range: 0-8 o Limit: 3 o Duration: 30sec o MP: 28 (2.80 increase per level) o Cool Time: 180.0sec o Casting Time: 1.5sec * Darkness o Effect: Target Range DOWN o Condition: “Completer(14)” Rank or higher o Target Range: -2 o Range: 0-8 o Limit: 1 o Duration: 11sec o (Promotion Bonus to duration depends on Class Rank) o MP: 385 (-15.00 increase per level) o Cool Time: 58.5sec o Casting Time: 1.5sec * Mana Freeze o Effect: Target Max MP DOWN o Condition: “Transcender(16)” Rank or higher o MP: -1,040(40 decrease per level) o Range: 0-8 o Limit: 1 o Duration: 10sec o (Promotion Bonus to duration depends on Class Rank) o MP: 28 (2.80 increase per level) o Cool Time: 180.0sec o Casting Time: 1.5sec * Execration o Effect: Character Unmovable Effect, Basic DeBuff Effect o Condition: “A. Master(11)” Rank or higher o Range: 0-8 o Limit: 1 o Duration: 11sec o MP: 28 (2.80 increase per level) o Cool Time: 58.5sec o Casting Time: 1.5sec * Field of Execration o Effect: Target and Caster Unmovable o Condition: “Transcender(16)” Rank or higher o Range: 0-10 o Limit: 5 o Duration: 11sec o MP: 28 (2.80 increase per level) o Cool Time: 180.0sec o Casting Time: 1.5sec * Hard Luck o Effect: Critical Rate and Damage Resistance DOWN o Condition: “G. Master(12)” Rank or higher o Critical Hit-Rate Resistance: -10% o Critical Damage Resistance: -10% o Range: 0-8 o Limit: 1 o Duration: 11sec o (Promotion Bonus to duration depends on Class Rank) o MP: 28 (2.80 increase per level) o Cool Time: 58.5sec o Casting Time: 1.5sec
Metallo nice guide ^^ but i think i have a better combo for FB pvp: assassinate->force assault->infernal impact->assassinate->force assault->force slash->assassinate->abys crystal and this combo can also be changed a lilbit and for pve is good: force assault->force slash->assassinate->infernal impact->abys crystal
(this are the combo's which i use in the official server but i dont write here the lvl's of the skills ^^ -> the guys here have enough money to test it so have fun to try my combos )
Zitat von KasusuMetallo nice guide ^^ but i think i have a better combo for FB pvp: assassinate->force assault->infernal impact->assassinate->force assault->force slash->assassinate->abys crystal and this combo can also be changed a lilbit and for pve is good: force assault->force slash->assassinate->infernal impact->abys crystal
(this are the combo's which i use in the official server but i dont write here the lvl's of the skills ^^ -> the guys here have enough money to test it so have fun to try my combos )