When you create a hero,doesn t made anything only select character tipe(wa,bl,fs,fa,fb or wi) write your chracter name and click to create! Doesn t made anything with his face like hair and others NOTHING! It works when you do that...
Zitat von jocika001When you create a hero,doesn t made anything only select character tipe(wa,bl,fs,fa,fb or wi) write your chracter name and click to create! Doesn t made anything with his face like hair and others NOTHING! It works when you do that...
Admin Hubi,please write that too in your "How to edit your character" topic... It s the problem when you doesn t get classrank 19 when u do male char...
Zitat von deadsongPlz fix this bugs: 1. female cannot edit class rank 19. 2. no combo skill 3. no bike skill 4. SP bars dont up
create the male char without editing the hair style and something like that..then edit it with the my char edit panel..and after that just get the x gen card from the shop http://cabalserver.dyndns.org/Frontend/shop.html it changes your gender from male to female. quite easy going then no?