Ok now we have all the importent skills etc. for a SFS is a good kombo: For PVE & PVP -> Shield Splinter Lvl 9 -> Shield Explosion Lvl 9 -> Shield Break Lvl 9 For PVP -> -> Shield Splinter Lvl 9 ->Shield Explosion Lvl 9->Shield Ray Lvl 18->Shieldbreak Lvl 9 and then begins the combo again , maybe between ths skills or at the end its also possible to use Force Kick.
MFS: PVP-> ->Terra Lance Lvl 20->Aqua Lance Lvl 20->Wind Lance Lvl 20->Fire Lance Lvl 20->Freezing Lance Lvl 20->Lightning Lance Lvl 20->(Finisher)Balde of Judgement Lvl 18 PVE-> ->a view of the Lance's and Blade of Judgement LVL 18
The equip on FS is also a very simple one , i think , bcause a FS needs more crit Dmg bcause he has with 2Happy Birthday rings more then enough crit rate. The amp in the Suit and gloves and so on is usefull to increase the normal dmg which automaticly means more dmg-> more dmg= higher crits and this counts for both types of FS.